MRMI Italy
International course, San Raffaele Hospital, Milano, May 23- 26, 2017
Basic + Instructor course
Basic course 46 participants
Instructor course 15 participants
The Course was organized within the THREATS Event that represented the final workshop of the European Commission funded project THREATS
The Course was anticipated by the THREATS Conference (manifest attached) and utilized as test-bed for a THREATS case scenario simulation: part of the participants have been exposed to a “second strike” scenario, where a terrorist attack hit one of the hospitals involved in the management of a first strike and tested some THREATS tools.
The result was excellent. In particular we want to emphasize:
- The MRMI Course went well and the educational value was not compromised by the THREATS case scenario simulation
- The MRMI Course was effective in evaluating and validating some of the THREATS tools, demonstrating its usability for this purpose
- The MRMI Course was again (as for the 2015 THREATS Event) proposed inside an European Commission funded project as effective tool to increase the preparedness of the health system to respond to major incidents and among them terrorist attacks
The participation of the international faculty to the Course was so wide that made it possible to also hold the annual MRMID Business meeting (May 22nd).